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International Published Articles

Söğüt, D. A., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2025). Effect of the self-determination learning model of instruction on reading comprehension and self-determination skills of students with learning disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, Advance Online Publication. Click for full text.


Balıkçı, Ö. S., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2024). Effectiveness of the multi-component reading intervention program in supporting fluency and motivation of Turkish primary school students with learning difficulties. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 29(2), 191-224. Click for full text.

Karaer, G., Melekoglu, M. A., & Hand, B. (2024). Examining the use of embedded generative strategies with graphic organizers to improve science achievement of students with learning disabilities. Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities, 27(1), 1-21. Click for full text.

Yılmaz, E., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2024). Effectiveness of the Repeated Reading and Visual Comprehension Program (TOGAP) in developing reading comprehension skills of students with specific learning disabilities. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 40(5), 413-435. Click for full text.

Akdemir, B., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2023). Determination of employment-related social skills in the service sector for individuals with intellectual disabilities. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, Advance Online Publication. Click for full text.

Aracı, N., Melekoğlu, M. A., & Eldeniz Çetin, M. (2023). Impact of a mnemonic strategy on learning science concepts for middle school students with specific learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 21(1), 69-85. Click for full text.


Melekoğlu, M. A., Sağlam Ak, A., Kaya, S., & Ballıoğlu, M. (2023). Response to intervention: What do elementary school teachers of students with specific learning disabilities in inclusive classrooms in Türkiye know? Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(1), 151–170. Click for full text


Balikci, O. S., & Melekoglu, M. A. (2023). A special call from inclusive classroom teachers of Turkish students with specific learning disabilities (SLD): “I don’t want them to dissappear!”. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (33), 198-215. Click for full text

Yılmaz, E., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2022). Developing a reading comprehension support program for primary school students with specific learning disabilities. International Journal of Progressive Education, 18(4), 75-89. Click for full text


Görgün, B., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2022). Effects of reading fluency and comprehension supplemental education program (OKA2DEP) on reading skills of students with specific learning disabilities. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 38(4), 297-322. doi: 10.1080/10573569.2021.1954568 Click for full text.


Yenioğlu, S., Melekoğlu, M. A., & Yılmaz Yenioğlu, B. (2022). A single-subject case study of twice exceptionality. Gifted Education International, 38(2), 256–272. Click for full text.

Yılmaz-Yenioğlu, B., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2021). Review of studies for twice exceptional individuals with learning disabilities and giftedness. Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 22(4), 999-1024. Click for full text.


Tutuk, T., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2021). Review of sign language supported reading instruction interventions for students with hearing impairments. Social Sciences Research Journal, 10(4), 930-940. Click for full text.

Yılmaz-Yenioğlu, B., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2021). Review of studies for twice exceptional individuals with learning disabilities and giftedness. Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 22(4), 999-1024. Click for full text.

Öğülmüş, K., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2021). The impact of POW + C-SPACE strategy on story writing skills of Turkish students with specific learning disabilities. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 16(1), 287-305. doi: 10.29329/epasr.2020.334.16 Click for full text.

Melekoğlu, M. A., Erden, H. G., & Çakıroğlu, O. (2021). Oral Reading Skills and Comprehension Test-II (SOBAT®-II): Assessment of reading fluency and comprehension of Turkish students with specific learning disabilities. South African Journal of Education, 41(1), Article Number: 1880 1-12. doi: 10.15700/saje.v41n1a1880 Click for full text.

Balikçi, Ö. S., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2021). Educational process of families of children with special needs from diagnosis to transition: Legal regulations and opinions on the solution of problems. Elementary Education Online, 20(1), 1026-1037. doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.01.86 Click for for full text.

Balikci, O. S., & Melekoglu, M. A. (2020). Early signs of specific learning disabilities in early childhood. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 12(1), 84-95. doi: 10.20489/intjecse.722383 Click for full text.

Melekoğlu, M. A., & Balıkçı, Ö. S. (2020). Opinions of teacher candidates of special education department on the interaction project with individuals with disabilities. Journal of Çukurova University Institute of Social Sciences, 29(1), 136-148. doi: 10.35379/cusosbil.581968 Click for full text.

Karaer, G., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2020). Review of studies on teaching science to students with specific learning disabilities. Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 21(4), 789-818. doi: 10.21565/ozelegitimdergisi.532903 Click for full text.

Kaya, C., Tansey, T. N., Melekoglu, M., Cakiroglu, O., & Chan, F. (2019). Psychometric evaluation of Turkish version of the Perceived Stress Scale with Turkish college students. Journal of Mental Health, 28(2), 161-167. doi: 10.1080/09638237.2017.1417566 Click for full text.

Melekoğlu, M. A., Erden, H. G., & Çakıroğlu, O. (2019). Development of the oral reading skills and comprehension test-II (SOBAT®-II) for assessment of Turkish children with specific learning disabilities: Pilot study results. Journal of Educational Issues, 5(2), 135-149. doi: 10.5296/jei.v5i2.15379 Click for full text.

Melekoğlu, M. A. (2019). Evidence-based fluency interventions for elementary students with learning disabilities. European Journal of Education Studies, 6(5), 411-423. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3404991 Click for full text.

Kayışdağ, E., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2019). Evaluation of science and art centers’ education programs based on student opinions. Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of Social Sciences, 20(Special Issue), 175-202. doi: 10.17494/ogusbd.548321 Click for full text.

Görgün, B., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2019). Review of studies on specific learning disabilities in Turkey. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 9(1), 83-106. doi: 10.19126/suje.456198 Click for full text.

Ünlü, Ö., Melekoğlu, M. A., & Ünlü, E. (2019). Review of researches related to competencies of special education teachers graduated from alternative certification programs. Elementary Education Online, 18(4), 1609-1640. doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2019.632528 Click for full text.

Görgün, B., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2019). Development of a reading support program for students with specific learning disabilities to improve reading fluency and comprehension skills. Elementary Education Online,  18(2), 698-713. doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2019.562034 Click for full text.

Yılmaz, E., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2018). Evaluation of the status of inclusive education in law and practice in Turkey and the European context. Osmangazi Journal of Educational Research, 5(1), 1-17. Retrieved from

Çakıroğlu, O., Özyurt, Ö., Melekoğlu, M. A., Özyurt, H., Bıyık, M., & Özdemir, C. (2018). Evaluation of teacher and student opinions on using computer software to improve reading performance of students with learning difficulties. Elementary Education Online, 17(1), 336-1346. doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2018.413778 Click for full text.

İlker, Ö., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2017). Review of the studies on writing skills of students with specific learning disabilities in elementary education. Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 18(3), 443-469. doi: 10.21565/ozelegitimdergisi.318602 Click for full text.

Görgün, B., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2016). Review of studies on physical activities of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 17(3), 347-376. doi: 10.21565/ozelegitimdergisi.268559 Click for full text.

Güner Yıldız, N., Melekoğlu, M. A., & Tunç Paftalı, A. (2016). Special education research in Turkey. Elementary Education Online, 15(4), 1076-1089. doi: 10.17051/io.2016.06677 Click for full text.

Güner Yıldız, N., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2016). Evaluating views of teacher candidates from intellectual disabilities program towards inclusion and enrolled teacher training program. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 9(2), 310-325. doi: Click for full text.

Güner Yıldız, N., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2016). Investigating the academic engagement and problem behaviors of students in inclusive classrooms. The Journal of Kesit Academy, 2(3), 42-56. doi: Click for full text.

Melekoğlu, M., Tunç Paftalı, A., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2015). Effects of the training program about recognizing students and identifying problem behaviors through analyzing students’ drawings on teacher implementations. Education and Science, 40(181), 19-39. Click for full text.

Öğülmüş, K., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2015). Review of the studies using Kinect in learning environments of individuals with special needs. SDU International Journal of Educational Studies, 2(1), 27-37. Click for full text.

Kaya, C., Tansey, T. N., Melekoğlu, M., & Çakiroğlu, O. (2015). Stress and life satisfaction of Turkish college students. College Student Journal, 49(2), 257-261. Click for full text. 

Kaya, C., Tansey, T., Chan, F., Bezyak, J., Melekoğlu, M. A., Çakıroğlu, O., & Köse, S. (2014). Dimensionality of the Turkish version of the self-stigma of seeking help scale: Results from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 37(2), 105-116. Click for full text. 

Cakiroglu, O., & Melekoglu, M. A. (2014). Statistical trends and developments within inclusive education in Turkey. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 18(8), 798-808. Click for full text. 

Melekoglu, M. A. (2014). Characteristics of inclusive classrooms in Turkey. Journal of the International Association of Special Education, 15(2), 24-30. Click for full text. 

Melekoğlu, M. A. (2013). Examining the impact of interaction project with students with special needs on development of positive attitude and awareness of general education teachers towards inclusion. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 13(2), 1053-1077. Click for full text.

Melekoglu, M. A., & Wilkerson, K. L. (2013). Motivation to read: How does it change for struggling readers with and without disabilities? International Journal of Instruction, 6(1), 77-88. Click for full text. 

Wilkerson, K. L., Gagnon, J. C., Melekoglu, M. A., & Cakiroglu, O. (2012). Reading instruction in secondary day treatment and residential schools for youth with emotional or behavioral disorders. Remedial and Special Education, 33(2), 78-88. Click for full text. 

Melekoglu, M. A., & Wilkerson, K. L. (2012). The use of repeated reading in afterschool programs: Improving outcomes for struggling elementary students with reading difficulties. British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 8(2), 127-139. Click for full text.

Melekoglu, M. A. (2011). Impact of motivation to read on reading gains for adolescent readers with and without learning disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 34(4), 248-261. Click for full text. 

Melekoglu, M. A., Cakiroglu, O., & Malmgren, K. W. (2009). Special education in Turkey. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 13(3), 287-298. Click for full text. 

Carter, E. W., Sisco, L. G., Melekoglu, M. A., & Kurkowski, C. (2007). Peer supports as an alternative to individually assigned paraprofessionals in inclusive high school classrooms. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 32(4), 213-227. Click for full text.

National Published Articles

Tunç, Z., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2024). Examination of educational interventions for elementary and secondary school students diagnosed with ADHD. Inonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 25(3), 1414-1438. Click for full text.

Aracı, N., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2023). Investigation of reading fluency and reading comprehension performances of middle school students with and without specific learning disabilities. Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University Journal of Faculty of Education, 23(3), 1583-1599. Click for full text.

Kaya, S., Sağlam Ak, A., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2022). Early intervention and early diagnosis of specific learning disabilities: Response to intervention. Journal of National Education, 51(236), 3679-3692. Click for full text.


Görgün, B., Balıkçı, Ö., Öğülmüş, K., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2022). COVID-19 outbreak from the perspective of students with specific learning disabilities, their families and teachers. Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, 51(1), 237-272. doi:  10.14812/cufej.933934 Click for full text.


Ünay, E., Melekoğlu, M. A., & Çakıroğlu, O. (2021). Transition from integration to inclusion in Turkey. e-Kafkas Journal of Educational Research, 8(3), 663-681. doi:10.30900/kafkasegt.955653 Click for full text.

Yıldız, M., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2020). Investigation of studies on reading comprehension skills of individuals with specific learning disabilities. Inonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 21(3), 1274-1303. doi: 10.17679/inuefd.770066 Click for full text.

Tutuk, T., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2019). Investigation of teacher opinions towards reading fluency interventions for students with hearing impairments in inclusive environments. Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University Journal of Faculty of Education, 19(4), 1737-1759 Click for full text.

Güner Yıldız, N., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2015). Teacher candidates’ opinions about inclusion related cases. Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty (KEFAD), 16(1), 19 - 33. Click for full text.

Güner Yıldız, N., Sazak Pınar, E., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2014). Examining classroom management textbooks published in Turkey in terms of addressing individuals with disabilities. Elementary Education Online, 13(1), 155-168. Click for full text.

Melekoğlu, M. A., ve Melekoğlu, M. (2012). Erken çocukluk döneminde sesli okumanın eğitimsel gelişime etkisi. Eğitimci Dergisi, 16, 21-23. Click for full text.

Melekoğlu, M. A. (2011). Özel öğrenme güçlüğü olan çocuklarda yazma problemleri ve çözüm önerileri. Eğitimci Dergisi, 3, 22-24. Click for full text.

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